Category: Resources

Exam Preparation: 1.3 Unfamiliar Texts

AS 90851: Show understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar text(s) through close reading, using supporting evidence. 4 Credits. External

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow – Despair in Macbeth

Analysis of the language effects Shakespeare employs to reinforce the sense of despair Macbeth feels on learning of his wife’s death.

Language Study: Build your analytical response

Example of an analytical paragraph: Whilst many are critical of the modifications to standard English that many, particularly young, people make when they speak and communicate online; I contend that these language effects are in

Spoken Language Transcript Practice

Today we will be exploring live spoken conversation – and generating our own transcripts. Watch this short video excerpt (from the film β€œFIT”) and try to write your own transcript of the conversation.    

Spoken Language Study

A study of the relationship between how we speak, how we write and the field between: How we communicate online